Mind, Body, & Spirit, Raw Poetry, Review & Reflection

Seasons of Change

Just as the earth goes through seasons, so does a family in the course of time endure seasons. Marriage, falling in love, and the birth of a child are times of renewal like Spring 🌻. Long pleasant periods of calm that some families are blessed to have are like the feeling of an endless Summer ☀. As we and our children grow older. Our life’s start to change and we experience Autumn 🍂🍁. This may seem like dying but it is only really sign of a new phase of life. The times of crisis and hardship, are times for the family to stay closer together. Help each other out and endure what are sometimes the frigid wind of change. This period is akin to Winter ⛄️. Life is full of seasons and changes which are best experienced with the support of family and friends.



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